Important Info



Angie Schauer


Twitter Contact: @MrsSchauer

Welcome to 3rd grade! I am so excited to learn and grow with your amazing kids as we explore math, science, and social studies together.  I am originally from Colorado and consider myself a Hawaiian at heart.  My husband, Tim, and I will be celebrating our 27th anniversary this year and have two awesome kids.  My daughter, Allie, is 21 and is a senior at the University of Texas Austin.  My son, Lucas, is 20 and is a junior at the University of Colorado Boulder.  I love the outdoors, hiking, the mountains, the beaches of Hawai'i, music, spending time with my family, travel, and taking care of our environment.  


Mrs. Schauer’s Homeroom

Teacher Schedule

2019 – 2020


7:40–8:00          Unpack/Write in Planner/Morning Activities

8:00–8:20          Announcements/Morning Meeting

8:20–8:40          Math Whole Group

8:40-9:45           Guided Math/Math Small Group

9:45-10:05        Social Studies

10:05-10:55      Specials

10:55-11:35      Science

11:35   Switch to get Ms. Ell’s homeroom

11:40-12:10      Lunch

12:15-12:35      Recess

12:35-12:55      Math Whole Group

12:55-2:00        Guided Math/Math Small Group

2:00-2:20           Social Studies

2:20-2:30           PBIS Recess

2:30-3:05           Science

3:05   Switch to get Mrs. Schauer’s homeroom 

3:05-3:10           Pack up/Dismissal


Specials:       Day 1-PE     Day 2- Art    Day 3 –PE    Day 4 – Library

                        Day 5-PE   Day 6-Music

Computer Lab:   Friday 8:15-9:00                   

